5 Common Misconceptions that People Have about Dental Health

There have been a number of misconceptions about dental health that has been going around since time in memorial. People have their own myths about flossing, brushing, cavities and oral health in general. Most people have fallen for these misconceptions, and some of them have paid dearly for their ignorance. To ensure that you don’t fall victim, here are some common misconceptions about dental health that you should be aware of:

1.      Cavities are for Children
If you are there believing that you are invulnerable to cavities just because you are an adult, then you should think again. You have to ask yourself this question? What is it that causes cavities in children? One reason is that children aren’t as good as adults at brushing and flossing. If you also disregard this important activity, then you are on your way to having cavities.

2.      Cavities are Caused by Sweets

If you have been avoiding sweets thinking that they are the only triggers of cavities, then there is a lesson about sugar that you probably missed. Technically, tooth cavities are caused by carbohydrates interacting with bacteria to create acid byproducts. Carbohydrates include sugar, but what you should also know is that cavities can also be easily caused by bread, potato chips and crackers.

3.      Braces are for Children

Braces are more popular with children, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is a crime for adults to enjoy their benefits as well. If you are interested in corrective dentistry, then get yourself adult braces and don’t worry about how you will look while wearing them.

4.      No Need to Floss if you Brush

Brushing after meals is highly recommended, and so is flossing. It takes a minute or two longer than brushing, and it plays a very vital role in your overall oral health. After eating, there are some food particles that lodge themselves between the teeth, causing plaque buildup and bad breath. Flossing takes out those food particles and ensures that your mouth is clean.

5.      Aggressive Brushing Means Cleaner Teeth

There are things that get cleaner and brighter when brushed and scrubbed aggressively, and the teeth are not among them. By brushing your teeth aggressively, you will cause damage to your