Kigali introduces Car free days

A  car free day in Kigali happened last Sunday where people did not drive to  the city but used roller, skates, skating boards and bicycles to get around the city, which is also the cleanest in Africa.

The initiative will take place once a month on different routes said the Kigali administration. On the last Saturday in each month traffic is stopped for three hours in the morning, and the city comes together to tidy up in an drive  called umunsi w’umuganda (contribution towards community).
“The move is aimed at encouraging mass sports and exercise along the affected route through introducing the much anticipated green transport and green city,” said  City Mayor Monique Mukaruliza.

Kigali has been making tremendous changes in the past few years and its image is making it one of the best and most clean city in Africa.Its reputation has seen a rise in tourism in Rwanda who struggled to pull itself out if the jaws of the 1994 Genocide.
“In a bid to promote healthy lifestyle for the residents of Kigali, the City authorities have introduced mass sports and exercises, to encourage people to walk, jog as well as ride bicycles. It is in this context that we have introduced a monthly car-free day, and this month it will happen on May 29.” Mayor Monique Mukaruliza added.